At ABC Our Apprenticeship Program Can:

  • Improve and upgrade the quality of your workforce
  • Train skilled craft persons for the future of your business
  • Increase productivity
  • Reduce turnover, injuries, and absenteeism
  • Lower your project costs by helping you comply with prevailing wage requirements

Apprentices are employed by contractors who have agreed to hire and provide on-the-job experience under the supervision of their skilled craftworkers and are responsible to log and file each apprentice work experience.

You must be:

  1. An ABC Member in good standing. Membership fees are offset by reduced labor costs and increased productivity.
  2. Agree to train in compliance with ABC Apprenticeship Standards by becoming a “Subscribing Employer.”
  3. Be approved to train by the ABC Training Trust Committee.


Level 1
Tuition / Lab - $925/semester
Core Book & Digital Online - $400
IPAD refundable deposit - $500

Level 2, 3, 4
Tuition / Lab - $650/semester
Book with access code - $300

Future Member

Level 1
Tuition / Lab - $1000/semester
Core Book & Digital Online - $450
IPAD refundable deposit - $500

Level 2, 3, 4
Tuition / Lab - $750/semester
Book with access code - $350

NCCER (National Center for Construction Education & Research) maintains a portable and widely recognized credentialing and certification system through its Registry. This Registry assures portability of skills by providing transcripts, certificates, and wallet cards to students who successfully complete the NCCER Curriculum through an accredited sponsor. These valuable industry credentials benefit students as they seek employment and build their careers. To be entered in NCCER's Registry, you must complete and sign a Registration and Release form. This form will be completed on the first night of class in each semester and requires your Social Security Number and your signature.

You can test out for advanced placement to sit in a higher level class. NCCER Assessments & Certification Testing will evaluate your knowledge and skill level. However, your employer must agree to you being tested.

Testing Fee: Member price: $100 + tax
Future Member price: $200 + tax

To schedule testing, email:
[email protected]

or call
Lincoln (402) 477-4451
Omaha (402) 344-4258