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From monthly archives: April 2016

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'April 2016'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

FREE Contractor Webinars

How to Capitalize on the Strengths of the Millennial Generation
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
2:00 p.m.(CT)
To register click here
Learn about the DOL’S Final “Persuader” Rule
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
1:00 p.m. (CT)
To register click here
The Survival Guide for General Contractors
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
1:00 p.m. (CT)
To register click here
Manage Operations with Your Accounting Software
Thursday, April 21, 2016
12:00 p.m. (CT)
To register click here
Calculating Fall Clearance with Different Fall Arrest Systems
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
2:00 p.m. (CT)
To register click here

For a complete list of webinars scheduled for the rest of the year click here.

All webinars are archived and accessible after the original live streaming date.
Click here  for Archived Webinars.

10 Week Plumbing Course for Apprenticeship Classroom Hours - Omaha

ABC is offering a ten week course for a plumber which is required for apprenticeship classroom hours in Omaha. Sessions will be on Monday and Tuesday evenings, 5:30 pm. to 8:30 p.m. starting April 25, 2016, for a total of 63 hours.  Subjects include:  Plans: commercial and residential, Tyler  Projects, five story drawings, mock tests, all based on the 2015 Omaha Plumbing code.  Course completed by June 28, 2016. 

To register click here.

Medical Marijuana and the Workplace by Kelly Ekeler, Woods & Aitken LLP

Despite the recent trend of state legalization and federal policy against prosecution, marijuana is still illegal under federal law.  As such, employers are not required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to accommodate an employee’s medical marijuana use. See e.g., 42 USC sec. 12210(a) (defining “individual with a disability” to exclude an individual who is currently engaging in the illegal use of drugs).   As a company leader, you have flexibility in establishing company policy on drug use and testing, including permitting or prohibiting the use of medical marijuana.  Will you test all employees in all positions or will you test only employees in safety sensitive positions? Will you establish a zero-tolerance or a limit-based policy? The possibilities are numerous. Make sure the policy you establish complies with any federal laws that apply to your workplace (for example, Department of Transportation regulations for commercial drivers and the Drug-Free W ... Read the rest of entry »

First Annual ABC Fishing Tournament

You asked for it…We listened!  ABC will be hosting the first annual ABC Fishing Tournament on June 29 at Lake Wannahoo which is located north of Wahoo, NE.  Our committee is finishing up some details and will be forwarding you information in the very near future.  This event is guaranteed to be a FUN time!

ABC Golf Tournament

The ABC Golf outing is right around the corner and will be held on Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at Omaha’s Tiburon Golf Club, 10302 S. 168th Street.  In addition to the 18 hole scramble, there’s lunch, dinner, prizes to be won and the opportunity to network with the over 120 golfers from ABC Cornhusker Chapter member companies and their guests.
Watch your mailbox for more information.

Apprentice Graduations

Our apprenticeship graduations are quickly approaching.  Lincoln area students who completed the Lincoln Education curriculum will graduate April 13.  The graduation ceremony will be at The Hillcrest Country Club with social time beginning at 6:00 and dinner scheduled for 6:45 p.m.
Omaha area students who completed the Omaha Education curriculum will graduate on April 19.  The graduation ceremony will be at Anthony’s Restaurant with social hour beginning at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6:30.

To register for the Lincoln Apprentice Graduation click here.

To register for the Omaha Apprentice Graduation click here.

ABC Files Suit Against DOL'S Overreaching "Persuader Rule"

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), ABC of Arkansas and a coalition of stakeholders announced today they have filed a joint lawsuit challenging the final “persuader rule” issued by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) on March 24, 2016. The legal challenge was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas. “DOL’s persuader rule is a clear attempt to chill employers’ First Amendment rights by placing onerous restrictions on their ability to receive advice and discuss the potential pros and cons of unionization with their employees,” said ABC President and CEO Michael Bellaman.  “The rule will have a particularly disparate impact on small businesses that do not employ in-house legal counsel, and carries serious repercussions including possible jail time.   Officially titled the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, Interpretation of the “Advice” Exemption, the final rule will revise DOL’s de ... Read the rest of entry »

April Networking Luncheons

If you didn’t attend the March Networking Luncheons you missed a great presentation by Lucas White of the Wounded Warrior Project and Business Account Manager with Vocational Rehabilitation.  He described, with authenticity, how to build partnerships with businesses and help individuals with disabilities and impairments find and maintain sustainable employment. Join us for the April Luncheons when Monica Freeman and Ryan Kehm of Woods & Aitken LLP will discuss the most recent changes to the Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act, including limits on retainage, reduction in retainage, and remedies for violations of the Act.  Monica and Ryan will also provide a refresher on the Act and if time allows will talk about other aspects of the Act including prohibited contractual provisions and claims against political subdivisions.   Connect with other ABC members by attending the Omaha Networking Luncheon at Anthony’s Restaurant on April 20 and the Lincoln Networking Luncheon at Firew ... Read the rest of entry »

E-News: April 5, 2016 Issue

April Networking Luncheon (4/5/2016)

ABC Files Suit Against DOL'S Overreaching "Persuader Rule" (4/5/2016)

Apprentice Graduations (4/5/2016)

ABC Golf Tournament (4/5/2016)

First Annual Fishing Tournament (4/5/2016)

Medical Marijuana and the Workplace by Kelly Ekeler (4/5/2016)

10 Week Plumbing Course for Apprenticeship Classroom Hours - Omaha (4/5/2016)

FREE Contractor Webinars (4/5/2016)

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